Drug Take Back Collection

Free Service

The Geauga County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to provide a free, secured collection site where residents can bring their unwanted medications for safe disposal. The items that can be dropped off are unwanted and expired prescriptions, over-the-counter pain relievers and medications, pet medications, vitamins, or any other medications that need safe disposal.

This effort was developed after the success of “Operation Medicine Cabinet” where the Sheriff’s Office, in cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration, received the fourth-highest amount of medications collected in northeastern Ohio in October 2011. The Geauga Sheriff’s saw that there was a need to address the concerns about unused prescription and non-prescription medications in the homes of the residents of Geauga County.


Prescription Drug Type
Annual Abusers % Among Rx Abusers % Among Americans*
Painkillers 9.7 million 59.5% 3.43%
Opioids Alone 9.3 million 57.1% 3.29%
Sedatives 5.9 million 36.2% 2.08%
Stimulants 4.9 million 30.1% 1.73%
Benzodiazepine Alone 4.8 million 29.4% 1.70%
All Prescription Drugs 16.3 million 100% 5.76%
6% of Americans over the age of 12 abuse prescriptions in a year.
12% of prescription drug abusers are addicted.
4 out of 5 pharmacy-filled prescriptions are opioids.

Protect Our Water, Ditch Meds!

Secure Drug Drop

By removing the unwanted medications from our homes and dropping them off at the Sheriff’s Office secured location, we can also reduce the amount of unwanted medications in our water system. For years medications were washed down the drain. Now these medications are being found in our water system, rivers and streams.

Before dropping off unwanted medications residents should remove or black out their personal information. Medications should be left in their original container. The drop off site is NOT equipped to received liquids or needles or syringes. Prohibited items will be received during the drug take back program that will occur twice a year. These dates will be announced.

If you have any questions please contact Jackie Tryon 440-279-2070.

The well-marked drug drop box is located in the lobby of the Geauga County Sheriff’s Office at 12450 Merritt Drive. There are no forms to fill out or information to provide, just place the unwanted medication in the box. The Sheriff’s Office is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.